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Bamboleo said:
Doobie_wop said:
Bamboleo said:
Doobie_wop said:
Bamboleo said:
kingofwale said:
Bamboleo said:
I think its pretty clear now, that the "poor" wii sales aren't the system fault.

really?? is it really clear???


We are talking about year-old port, to systems that has much less install base than the Wii.... and yet, it still sold more.

  It sold more?


All I see is two versions of the year-old port performing UNDER the Wii numbers.


I hate when people glue together the hardware and software sales of the HD consoles like it was just one machine...

Both of the sales listed is for the first day, by the end of the week they should be equal or higher than the Wii first week. This is per platform..

While I'm not sure of that, I have to give you credit. All is possible yeah. But gluing together the sales of 2 different consoles and then saying it outsold the version of another single platform is plain stupid imo.

It is stupid, but I can kinda understand why it's done. Creating a port between two similar consoles wouldn't cost a lot and so it leads people to believe that the combined sales between the platforms would off set that cost.

It doesn't. While reducing the costs, you're still developing on two different systems. That's why you should not put them together.


The loss is bigger in an HD PS360 multiplat game that sold 100k, than in a Wii game that sold 100k.

Yes, but in this specific circumstance, it's a Wii game being ported to the PS360. I think Marvelous should make a decent profit if they sold 100k between the two, considering all the work was done and it just had be upscaled and tweaked.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.