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The reason why people complain as opposed to just ignoring the franchise is because they see its potential and want to see a pokemon game that surpasses its predecesor instead of just adding an extra mini game or 2. And I don't buy this argument that because its aimed at children experiencing pokemon for the first time, they can't change the fomula. Young audience arn't gona be turned away from the game because the stories been changed into something actually worth telling. their not gonna be turned away if pokemon sudenly had full animations and proper voices or an inhanced battle system. No ones saying that they need make an M rated pokemon game aimed at at adults, just that the series should be better than wat it is.

Anyone who thinks that nintendo is somehow justistified in the amount of effort they put into these games is kidding themself. This is probably the most profitable franchise of all time, with each iteration containing the same character models, recycled music, recycled enviroments, art, graphics engine, i dont kno how these games can come close to costing anywhere near a million. It probably takes nintendo around 6 months to complete each title. Their just takin da piss