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I'm not excited, but for two reasons. One, because most of the changes look cosmetic and not related to any gameplay at all. But that's what has been done to most Pokemon game aside from adding things such as Breeding, 2 on 2 battles and 'types' to moves. When it comes down to it, Pokemon is a series that evolves so slowly, it takes 10 years just to add new content. And even then, it doesn't seem to change the gameplay unless you play Pokemon 'hardcore'.

The second reason I'm not interested is because they seem to just be releasing a main Pokemon game once a year now. What's the point in spending the 60+ hours to go through the main story, then start building up your team and get it 'competitive worthy' only for them to announce yet another Pokemon game coming out 6 months down the road. It makes you feel like you were just playing a game for nothing. Like playing an MMORPG only to hear them say an expansion was coming and you'll have to roll back all your characters stats.

Six upcoming games you should look into: