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@OP I wasn't excited after playing the second GameBoy iteration of Pokemon. The real problem here isn't Pokemon. it's you or more specifically your expectations. Your practically asking that Nintendo to age Pokemon with your age, but it's like asking Disney to age there franchise characters with you. Could you imagine Disney making cartoons, movies and entertainment not for kids and teens.

Pokemon is really it's own new versions of the same story targeted at the same group of audience. Starting playing around 10, buy a new one at 13, then one at 16-18 then likely grow tired of pokemon while the next one is still staying with in the 10-18 range. Now this doesn't mean adults don't play Pokemon they do. I played Pokemon when I was 22 when it first came out(was I 22 or 20?.... old geezer memory here). After playing my second version I had enough. I had my fun.

Why should i buy every single iteration of the same game? and that's where it's breaking down. You have been trained to continue to re-buy iterations like it's some kind of continuance of games. But there is no continuance with Pokemon games. This is only backed up by why you don't understand why Pokemon is still around when it's very blatant. It's not for you once you decide that your not excite for the new pokemon. This is the point where you as the OP have a choice. Whine that Pokemon is not growing with you or be an adult an accept that it's for people who are still excite for the new pokemon. Which will you choose?

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.