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Games4Fun said:
pizzahut451 said:
Games4Fun said:
pizzahut451 said:
Games4Fun said:


Better looking games

Better direction for games

More fun than a barrel of monkeys no matter the age

Better replayablity

More Mature

Better controls

Easily the best games from any current system

What a easy choice Wii

the red sentences are totally wrong especially the first one

No they are not.

I like the animated style much better. 

All of my games get played a lot over (Mario Kart Wii Sports Resort New Super Mario Bros Wii)  except for  The Conduit. With my PS2 very few games got replayed much expect DMC, KH's and Sly Cooper. Since PS3 and xbox are along the same lines as PS2 games I find it safe to assume. I am not a trophy person so that style of replay means nothing to me.

I find blood, guts, nudity, swearing to be more immature than animated. I have  for the most part "grown" out of  that phase of my life. Although, I do like a good murder spree once in awhile on a game.


Plus ,as somone said this is pretty much Nintendo Vs. everyone else. I happen to find Nintendo made games miles ahead in fun and to me that is what counts.




What animated sytle? Realistic graphics determinate which game looks better.


Most of PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusive games have online and that alone adds 200+ hours to play. I put over 150 hours in Modern Warfare 2 and about 180 hours in Uncharted 2.Not to mention LIttleBigPlanet that has over 2 000 000 levels. HD games have better replay value.


Those stuff you mentioned are 10 times more mature than Mario and Pokemon games

Nintendo= quality that is leaps and bounds ahead of any other video game related company


Again animated style= better If I wanted to watch realism on my tv I would watch the news.

 Every game I named has "LOCAL MP". That is 100's of hours of replay that is also superior to online.  Online equals a bunch of people you do not know or know just because you played a game with them. A storm of people calling each other N's and F@#'s. Sorry I Have "grown" out of that stage. Playing with friends I have over is much better. Not to mention when I do play games with kids, it is my friends kids. The kind of kids that understand how to have fun without resulting to emo name calling. Ya know laughing and carrying on actually having fun playing?

Playing a black, white, and red movie is in no way actually mature. If I wanted to watch a bad war movie I would grab a 10 dollar DVD about WW 2. Cussing is fun for younger people, or thoose that think it makes them look cool. (mainly teenagers)  How beating somone into a bloody pulp is mature you got me. Last I heared people got arrested for that type of thing.

If people 10 years ago could not convince me differently I dunno what makes you think you can. The only game you listed that would be worth more than 2 cents to me is LittleBigPlanet.  Saying it has over 2000000 does not help though. As most of thoose are probably crap made by other users with the good ones lost in the mix.

Edit I almost forgot. IF Iwas worried about insance graphics I would play games on my CPU.

I am not sure why I brothered posting back in the first place let alone a second time. I am done with this silly nonsense later.






This idea that Nintendo has the best "quality" games still to this day makes no sense to me. It's your opinion and I respect that but here is my opinion. Nintendo hasn't made anything appealing to me in years, mainly since the SNES generation. Neither have 3rd party publishers made anything of interest to me on the Wii. In my opinion both the 360 and PS3, EACH, have about 3000% more high quality games than Nintendo does. I have always been a video game fan but never in my 20 years as a video game fan have I had more fun and and encountered more incredible games than what the 360 and PS3 have offered this generation. To me it's a no brainer...the PS3 and 360 libraries of games are the best libraries of quality fun games offered to this date while the Wii is probably the worst of any major game system to date. Just my opinion.