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pbroy said:
An ugly guy with lots of confidence can land himself a really hot girl. It might need a nice car and some cash, but it's possible.
If you ask me, it's all about the way the guy presents himself. I'm a decent looking guy, but it doesn't hurt that I'm a "classic gentleman." I hold doors for girls when none of my friends do, I help them pick up their books if they drop them, and just try to be nice in general. Not just to girls, but to everyone. I've never kissed a girl but believe me, I could have basically any girl I wanted. Not trying to toot my own horn though.
As long as a guy is confident and treats girls well, they will love him. All the guys in my class that act "cool" are basically shunned by girls, while me, the funny, kind, and understanding nerd guy is loved by everyone. Hell, I'm dating the hottest girl in my school right now, and it's got nothing to do with my money (even though my family is relatively well-off) or my looks.
So class, what have we learned today? As long as a guy presents himself well, he can get any chick he wants.
Class Dismissed. Don't forget to do your homework, and study for that test on Friday.