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Eidos an Midway seem to miss the boat completely; for the others, Naznatips made a great list, but I want to add a few things.

Square-Enix: I'm not sure about them, I think they are the worst out of the major publishers right now. FFCC:TCB is not going to release anytime soon it seems and from what we've heard, DQS was more of a milking the franchise than a let's use the Wii improvements game.

Konami: Not too bad I think, especially the way how they are doing PES shows me that they see the Wii's potential. Also, no game from them on the Wii has been really bad yet, all seem to be of a quite high quality.

For Capcom, Namco, Marvelous, Tecmo and Sega I have nothing to add.

Ubi Soft: They were the ones that understood the Wii's appeal the fastest (And I would bet that is because they are european-based) but they did not expect it to do well outside of the casual market. Therefore, their games have been either franchise milking or made for casuals. They have yet to prove that they will also do something great on the Wii, but I'm quite sure they will.

The others are summed up fine too.

Free Radical is a company I want to add to the list. I guess we will see TS 4 on the Wii, and if that is a success, they probably will continue to support the Wii because they seem to really like the console. Knowing that they are former Rare employees makes it a sure bet to say they will release some games on a successful Nintendo console actually.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)