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Right now the way I was setting this up was so that you could only challenge someone directly above you and directly below you on the main leaderboard. So you can't challenge me to NBA 09 Inside plat just yet! And thanks for being nice, btw I appreciate it :P

But yeah if this challenge game takes off and is fun we could potentially open it up to challenge anyone. But at least the current way I was setting it up is so you'd only have a max of 2 challenges at a time. Unless of course your rank on the main leader boards fluctuates a lot. Then you may get more challenges each week.

Also you shouldn't be allowed to challenge the same person again until you complete their return challenge. But you could keep stacking them with challenges as long as you complete theirs and both people accept the new challenge. And if you run out of challenges you can receive then I guess you win! haha. I dunno, its just a fun new way to get people off their lazy asses (Ails words, not mine) and give them the extra push them to do their best and not give up in a game to reach platinum. Also its another way to add individual levels of competition to the league. Brings a whole new meaning to ranking one position above or one position below someone on the leaderboards!!