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Regarding the time difficulty debate I think it's unfair to only allow a MAX of 1 stars added for time difficulty.
I'm curious at how many hours would you determine to add 1 star?

Say we add 1 star for 200 hours of time. I think at game that takes 200 hours vs 1000 hours is still too big of a discrepancy for a single star rating to cover.

A while ago I proposed a time rating system with a range of times. 1000 hours would undoubtedly be 5 star difficulty in that system. But then you'd take the 5 stars and average it with the general difficulty of the game. A 5 star time and a 1 star skill based would come out to a 3 in that system. Sounds like WKC is more skill based as the higher level monsters requiring the need to form strong parties. Maybe skill based it would be at least a 3? So overall a 4 then?