ranzchic on 17 February 2007
BenKenobi88 said:
same here...it's not really an issue for me.
And for the controls...I was a bit confused when they said they're "barely using" the Wiimote...but I don't really care about that either...I'm more interested in the game then the control scheme...which should be the case for any game. I was always under the impression that you just press a button to swing, and depending on how your Wiimote is tilted, it would create different attacks...which is good enough for me.
I was hoping a more StarWar-esque kind of sword swinging. Travis' weapon is derived from a lightsaber ferchrissake. I just had high hopes that if somebody was gonna do a kickass game developed from the groundup for the Wii, it would be Suda. There is a rumour that this was supposed to be a PS2 game, so I suppose it's not really a ground up Wii game, at least conceptually. But still, I can't help but be disappointed. I hope the "barely using the Wiimote" control scheme is not set in stone.