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Barozi said:
max power said:

M/KB >> Controller... but let's not get into that now.

The graphics weren't monumentally better, and the system requriements were high, but none of these is the hallmark of some horrible port that people are trying to hang these low scores on.  The game played perfectly fine.  The game earned that 83 on metacritic, not a poor port.

Here's a good article, naming Halo as the #10 most overrated game of all time (not meaning it's bad, just meaning it's overrated):

"Worst of all were the levels, which offered fleeting glimpses of brilliance, but all too often degenerated into recycling the same areas over and over until you were bored to tears. It was as if someone at Microsoft or Bungie realized Halo was an amazing six-hour game ... but needed to pad it out to 10."

You have anything to say in response to that?


There are some few places in the campaign that are a bit repetitive when played in solo mode. (And I agree The Library was horrible)

So it's not a perfect singleplayer game. However if you played the same level in co-op, there was no such thing as boredom.

Singleplayer: 9/10

Co-op: 10/10

Multiplayer: 9.5/10


When other PC FPS games at that time mostly provided only one mode, Halo has all three.


As for the other part you mentioned. Go read the IGN review and you'll see that it was downrated because it took 2 years to port and the technical problems:

8.0 Presentation
A slick package with some definite performance issues. Not enough has been added to justify a two-year wait.
8.0 Graphics
Great animations and art style are the two highpoints here. Nice lighting and effects also score big but the performance issues are killer.
9.0 Sound
It has one of the best video game scores of the last five years. Sound effects and voice work are quite nice.
8.5 Gameplay
Great weapon and enemy design but there's too much repetition in the later levels. The physics system is one of the best around.

Lasting Appeal
If you haven't already burnt out on the Xbox version, there's reason enough to try it at least once here. Customizable multiplayer is a big draw.

Yeah... so you're basically saying the single-player was perfect except for horribly repetitive levels, and only docked it 1 point for that?  Get real...

The single player game was horribly flawed in level design. And this directly effects the co-op play, too.

The multi player simply doesn't hold up to the games now, at the time, or half a decade prior.  I'm sorry, but Halo MP can't hold a candle to Quake 1.  I'll agree that sometimes it's more fun to be in the same room as the people you're killing, but that doesn't mean the game is better, and that wasn't impossible on PC games, just not very popular.

Notice from that review the gameplay was denigrated for "too much repetition."  They even say the game comes up short compared to the PC shooter catalag. 

They're basically saying exactly what I'm saying... the levels are repetitive, and in comparison to the PC catalog, the game comes up short.

I do agree about the score though.  Halo has an awesome score.