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mirgro said:
I agree, the consoles ruined the shooter genre in many many ways. I made a huge list in another thread, so I will repost what I said:


PC invented that.

-Regenerating health

Not a problem I want to go back to.


Blame PC again.

-Limited guns being able to be carried

PC started it. I could only carry 2 rifles + pistol in Wolf3D.

-Following from the previous, shitty gun concepts and not much variation

PC invented the Doom clone

-Slow ass games, way slow, I grow a 5 o'clock shadow any time I try to turn 180 degress in Halo 3, GoW, CoD, etc.

Wolf3D started the slow ass FPS routine.

-Repetative gameplay, seriously look at how varied HL2 is then look at Gears of War

This statement is as cherry as this font.

-Decline of skill based games, and an astounding rise of luck based games. At least back in 2000 CS players knew heir places behind Quake/UT players, now people are actually arguing with me how Halo 3, CoD4, MW2, etc. take more skill than Quake and UT.

Skill != reflexes.

-Leveling systems in multiplayer. I realize BF2 did i first and I hated it for it, but now it's just getting rediculous.

You said it, blame PC for it.

-Zero modding tools and SDKs. Epic releases the entire UE engine for everyone who buys the game. You know the one that is used in lke 20% of all current games? Yeah that one. You get literally the whole thing and you can make amazing games without a hitch as long as youdon't charge for it.

That falls under the same category as acceptable platform tradeoff.

-Shitty models. Look at the variety of models HL, TF, Quake, UT, etc. had, and now look at the variety of models, which conosist of Marine 1, and at best Soldier 1. Then you can add little bells and whistles to "customize" them which make no fucking difference in the middle of the action.

Thats an individual developer thing. How many Barneys were there in HL1 again?

I feel that's a nice list, I am sure I have more greviances but I just can't come up with them. I will end this with a very nice thing that I do like about console shooters:

-Local multiplayer, it's fucking awesome, and while it's nowhere near as awesome and badass as a LAN party, it's very fast and it doesn't have to be premedited. A shooter on a console is absolutely worthless without local multiplayer."

Lan parties are lame.

Blame PC, first.

