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Nintendo has said that they want to start lenghtening the lifespan of their gaming systems- I believe that handhelds are a a point where graphics really don't need to be better. Look at the PSP it has PS2 esque graphics and most of its games sell like crap. There is not point to having amazing graphics on a 4-5 inch screen, you would not be able to see it. What I do believe will happen is we will see the DS with a GB esque lifespan (GB, GBL, GBC) we will see a least one more significant improvement to the DS probably in about 3 years. Battery life will be increased, better screen, new features, not a new system... Nintendo realizes it is not good for them to have to restart their userbase every 4-6 years, With the Wii and DS they want to have 7+ years before they realese a new system. Now we have to wait and see if the gaming populace can get used to the fact that gaming machine will have longer life cycles.

Seriosly, have you looked at GT5's pics, what is the point of making a game look better than that- There needs to be a difference between gaming and reality, or esle there is no escape-

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.