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I vaguely admire damnyoualls passion. He has, afterall, racked up nearly as many posts on a single topic theme as I have in around three years. Still, I think you need to sit back and relax damnyuouall and find other avenues. the firmware update is like 4e d and D. It's here. use it or don't. I played 4e for 8 months and was bored by the board game style. Between 4e and stopping saga, Wizards no longer produces a game that I enjoy playing. That deeply disappoints and frustrates me, but
i can't make them change. I do other things that are less likely to get me upset. There are other rpgs, videogames, amusing books where Lincoln kicks vampire ass, I have even heard vague rumors of a species known as "females". I am eager to do further field research on the latter someday. The point is .. it is okay to take some time off from something if it upsets you deeply. If you don't enjoy the 360 or Wii have you tried pc gameing? Do you have other hobbies? Just take a step back and use the time to cool down and enjoy other parts of life.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres