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Stages of personality development according to Freud

Oral stage= first stage occurring in the first year of life in which the mouth is the erogenous zone and weaning is the primary conflict.

Anal stage= second stage occurring from about 1-3 years of age in which teh anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the source of conflict. Freud believed that kids got pleasure from holding and releasing there feces at will.

Phallic stage= thrid stage occurring from about 3-6 years of age, in which the child discovers sexual feelings. erogenous zone shfts to the genitals. Kids have discovered the differences between sexes and most have also engaged in self stimulation of the genitals, or masturbation.


Latency stage= Fourth stage occurring during the school years. Sexual feelings of the kid are repressed while the child develops in other ways. Boys have cooties and girls are Yucky.

Genital stage Puberty begins and teh sexual feelings that were once reprssed can no longer be ignored. bodies are changing and sexual urges are once more aloud into the consciousness. Urges no longer have the parents as targets.