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Ok. I'm going to post this. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going of game A. Which had 2 mafia.
SAK: has a 65% chance of disappearing tonight. But doesn't have to use his power.
Final-Fan: May randomly die tonight?
Trucks: Confirmed zombie. Can't be night killed if he puts the hammer down on someone.
Is that right?

Ok. I'm going to post this. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going off of game A. Which had 2 mafia. 

  • SAK: has a 65% chance of disappearing tonight. But doesn't have to use his power.
  • Final-Fan: May randomly die tonight?
  • Trucks: Confirmed zombie. Can't be night killed if he puts the hammer down on someone.

Is that right?

We have six people left

  • Nordlead
  • SAK
  • dsis
  • Therepublic
  • Final-Fan
  • Trucks

if we mislynch today. 

That knocks us down to five. And if Final-fan randomly dies, and SAK disappears.

That knocks us down to three. And then the human kill... game over.

So my plan is SAK doesn't use his power tonight, and we make sure that Trucks gets the hammer for the lynch today 

Everyone agree? Final-Fan, did I get your power right?