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PSwii60 said:
Bamboleo said:
PSwii60 said:

honestly, if anything nintendo would be the better third party..
i was actually hoping after GC they'd become one;
imagine zelda on the PS3 today and Metroid on Xbox360

'nuff said

Nintendo doesn't sell their hardware for a loss, being a very profitable company, while others are quite the opposite.

Dropping on profitable hardware sales to focus just on software? I don't think that would generate more money than their current strategy,

if i were a stockholder, of course i'd prefer to see the company gain instead of huge losses but i really doubt sony would ever let it happen

i'm just saying...
while nintendo, even during GC period they'd even seen so many gains and has never seen a loss even for a year, i still see nintendo as a better third party than sony..
nintendo has a lot of ip's and their games can appeal to either HD consoles not to mention a lot of fans

Agree. But that would make Nintendo a less profitable company, skipping hardware income, and therefore a worse company by this thread logic!