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The potential that the USB update added made me decide to play this game all over again and I'm having a blast with my custom new game+
- Ability to change class
- Multiple bonus powers
- No need to do that horrible mining minigame
- The level cap doesn't stop me from maxing out my powers, whether that's reducing my level but keeping my squad points (what I did) or just boosting
- I can start the game with any team that I want (Morinth/Tali)
- Virtually unlimited ammo for my favorite weapons
- I can map ANY 3 powers as I see fit rather than only 2

It's a shame I had to go in and make this happen myself but even still, this game is holding up pretty well. I haven't tried the two latest DLC packs yet but I think i'll give them a try once some more DLC comes out and I'm doing my Engineer run.