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hunter_alien said:
OMG... this is one of the worse articles I had ever read in my life. The author ommits soooo many things here that its just scary.

Well, it seems that the Apple Brainwashing Solution ( oooo ABS, I should trademark this one, fast ) worked on yet another person

PS: yeah, I know that my post is not funny, but give me a break, Im tired

This would be similar to saying that my computer is comparable to my calculator. Sure my desktop can have a calculator and graphing program on it but it's never going to be as handy or convenient as having my calculator when I need to do some calculations. 
Plus no buttons makes gaming on the iPhone/iPod Touch very inadequate... for me at least. Trying to control what's going on on the screen while covering parts of it up with your fingers is a rather poor idea for game control.

P.S. I found it funny... There must be something wrong with me.

P.P.S. Am I a total geek for talking about my calculator? I'm in the middle of finals so this forum is all that's keeping me sane.