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i do hope FFXIV as some form of offline mode, and i hope they dont charge much for it each month either :/ still on the fence about it though, looks good... but do i want to play an online FF?

about FFXIII:
OH MY GOD it finally did it, it annoyed me and now im playing MiNi NiNjAS and then replaying Dark Cloud (from the PS2 LAUNCH!!!!) even though i only have 3 trophies left to get, L'Cie Paragon, Masters Seal and Treasure Hunter... Eden Adamantoise grinding was just annoying so will go back to it afterwards.

End of 2014 Hardware Predictions (03/03/14)

PlayStation 4: 12-15million

Xbox One: 7-10 million

Wii U: 8-9 million (Changed 01/04/2014 from 7-9 --> 8-9 million)