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Japan not the gaming mecca it once was... and most of you agree ¿are you smokin'crack or something?

If you don't understand the gaming market of japan don't say anything at all please. Keep in mind that the DS sold more then 20 mill in 3 years time thats one outof 6 japanse people and thats more then ever before in japan. This is very impressive for a country not being a gaming mecca anymore as most of you seem to presume. The gaming culture in japan changed I agree, but it just is more 'casual' now but don't say it issn't a gaming macca anymore.
In japan people in all layers of the society are gaming, they want games they can just play for a while to relax. Remember that Nintendo iss't bundling Wii sports in japan and it still in the top 20 with over 2 million sold and ~4 million wii's sold. For the ones that can't count thats is a ratio of 1:2.

Then there is Amerika. Amerika... I look at Amerika as the new japan of the '90 in extrems in gaming(halo3 anyone) you are just with more ^^. It is in a hardcore market state right now with sales mostly taken place in the first weeks of release. Offcourse there also is the mainstream market wich is also big in Amerika and growing!!! I think it will even surpase the hardcore in amerika next year. 

Well now I allready did 2 of the 3 main markets so I will also say something about Europa. Europe has always been a very casual gaming market and now with japan(wii) becomming more casual orientated they will see a large growth in this market next year, just like the DS did this year.