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People are still going on in this thread?

@ssj12, that's partially true, but it's not impossible for a consumer's rights to be honored. But if a major retailer like Amazon doesn't even want to get in the fight over this, that should say something about the severity of this case. Maybe it won't really go anywhere, or maybe it will, time will tell.

@joearc, First, you've missed one of the main points in every one of these threads. I could say it again for about the 1000th time, but I have a feeling it will go right past you again so I won't bother. If you're ready to listen again (remember, you don't have to agree, just listen) let me know, I'll re-post the 1-2 sentences that you keep ignoring from everyone who has said it.

Second, try using links, and maybe copy and pasting highlights. Most people will just completely skip over multiple "pages" worth of copied text in a forum. Unless your goal is for people to eventually/immediately ignore you. The most recent post is fine, but the previous one is not if your goals are to have a discussion or to get a point across.