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Pipedream24 said:
leo-j said:
thranx said:
Icyedge said:
thranx said:
nintendo has more cash reserves than sony.

That is true only if you take the gaming division by itself. Im surprise so much person think Nintendo is bigger than Sony.

no, that is the case for taking nintendo against all of sony. sony may have more invested in actual land (property) and factories. But even that i am not sure would outweigh the cash reserves of nintendo. I'm suprised at how many people do not realise nintedo is a fiscally responsible company that does not sell equiptment at a loss.

um nintendo is not even close to sony in terms of cash reserves, idk where you are getting your info from:

assests (billions):

Nintendo: 17.87

Sony: 124.12

Assets do not equal cash.  Sony currently has twice as much debt as cash on hand.

To be fair the word they used was "reserves". I think asets qualify there.