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KylieDog said:
fadetoone said:
KylieDog said:
I'd feel that a easy game isn't 5 stars.

1000 hours? Yeah I'm going to go claim that as complete bollocks, much like FF XIII being a 150 hour plat when it didn't take me half that time. Didn't exactly try for the platinum requirements strictly either, only started that after I beat main game and upgraded a few weapons to max (which is not needed for platinum but the funds used to do it subtracts from platinum needs heavily).

I wasn't saying WKC is 1000 hours... just more of a general statement... If you played something for 1000 hours and got a 1 star platinum, most people would feel pretty gipped.


I never said that though.  I said that time should factor 1 star at most, seperate from difficulty.

If you play something for 1000 hours and got 3 stars for it, most people would still feep pretty gipped. Consider Katamari Forever took ~30 hours for the same amount of stars.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes