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They are over priced and they will never match price/performance of a modular less controlled architecture like the PC. They are restrictive for serious gaming. However, from a support POV, they are more reliable and the fact their UI just seems to work, if someone has the extra dosh and don't care too much for serious gaming, then I find it more and more tempting to recommend a Mac.

I do a home PC support business on the side and from experience, I find the Windows world just too fickle, too fragile, to see it being a reliable option to a user that has no PC/Nerd/Geek background. To put it blunt, the PC breaks down far too easily. It's just not like a consumer appliance. I gather a Mac will break down with stupidity as well but I have many friends with Mac's and it seems far rarer for those people to have so many issues. And I can tell you, the Mac users are less "PC" savey than a lot of PC users that I know.

Mac's - great UI, controlled Hardware, resulting in generally more reliable usage. I am not saying a Mac is a more secure system than a Windows based one. I am saying due to it's controlled nature and great UI, it has some inherent competitive advantages, but also some disadvantages when it comes to other areas or needs.