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So I'm looking for:

Charmander     Chickorita     Torchic
Bulbasaur         Totodile        Mudkip


Or any of their evolutions (I'm just going to breed them for the first evolution anyways). Either gender is fine (that 12.5% chance for Females is a pain), and they can be any level.

I'm offering Lvl. 1 Cyndaquils (or Eggs if preferred). I have a variety of natures, so if you would like a specific one then just ask. I only have two females (Bashful and Gentle natures) and all the rest are males. They don't know any special moves, just Tackle and Leer.

Also I have a few Lvl. 1 Eevees if you would prefer that to a Cyndaquil. I have no females, just a couple of males with no special moves, just Tail Whip, Tackle and Helping Hand. Some have Run Away and some have Adaptability. Ability/nature combinations are limited.

My selection of other Pokémon is very limited, but if you want any other specific (non-Legendary) Pokémon, it doesn't hurt to ask. Also as I get the other starters from people I will breed them and offer those as well.

Friend Code is: 4426 3969 2069

Edit: I can now offer Totodiles and Turtwigs as well as the above mentioned Eevee and Cyndaquil.

My SoulSilver Team:

Badges: 16

Platinum Team:

Badges: 1