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leatherhat said:
You could combine all 50,000 games together and still not have the quality of a single psp or DS game.

Riiiiiiiight. I agree that out of Apple's "50,000" games maybe 5% of them are good. But thats still 2,500 relevant to someones interest games.

Just looking at the DS I can say, maybe, up to half the DS games are worth anyones notice. That just about comes to 2,500.

Even if that were not true, Apple is not a dedicated gaming company and never will be. Games will always be tertiary to other goals. The fact that they are even in the same ballpark is bloody remarkable.

Apple has the _potential_ to blow both nintendo and sony mobile gaming out of the water based on shear volume alone. You release enough junk, eventually something good comes out.

Nintendo and SONY need to one up Apple soon by opening up their development platform ASAP. Bypass the need for game approval (which apple never will) and Nintendo or SONY could cut the rug out from under Apple games. Mobile gaming is especially suited to one person or small team developers of bite sized games. I expect eventually Apple will have so many games that mobile gamers will have _no_ choice but to buy an iPod Touch/iPad if they don't want to miss out.

edit: quoting the wrong person failure, FIXED

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.