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I'll post a new recap of where everyone stands for the new page and the new info.

Please note that this information is based solely on the posts of the players themselves so any of those roles might be false (except mine of course!):

dsister44 - Swamp Zombie who as of today is a vanilla zombie (with voting ability)

Falcon095 theRepublic - Zombie or Human, won't roleclaim today

Final-Fan - Zombie King, power to suppress all votes on him for one day (might die the following night)

nordlead - Smart Zombie, lie detector, only one use, cleared TruckOSaurus

SuperAdrianK - Kart-riding zombie, can skip town at night (night kill immune, might vanish when using his power at night)

TruckOSaurus - Greedy Zombie, night kill immune if casts the hammer vote.

I'll post my thoughts in the next post.

Signature goes here!