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SuperAdrianK said:

1. I die, or rather vanish, by chance.

2. No I did not... I used it at night 2... is a night action.

Everytime I leave the town for the night, my chances of vanishing increase... right now is at 45% that I vanish, The first night you use it was at 20% of vanishing in the town... hence why i said at day 2 (I might die in day 3)... hope that answers all your questions about me...

What I think of dsister is that he is telling the truth but I want to ask him... what would happen if you did vote in day 1 and 2?


There's something I'm having problems with: if you kept saying that you were awesome to attract the attention of the humans to have them waste their nightkill on you, why didn't you use your ability on the first night? I mean in addition of you mentionning you were awesome many times during day one, you also cast the hammer vote on SM128 (which the humans must not have appreciated), why did you choose to risk dieing if your plan was to attract attention?

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