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theRepublic said:

I suppose I did, but as Nordlead pointed out, late voters for SuperMario are suspicious too.  I guess that post makes you a late voter by proxy.

Ever hear of projection?  Just because you attacked him for it doesn't make you innocent of the same action.  It doesn't make it less suspicious either.

Also, you did not address this part:

Both of the first two days you abstain from voting, when voting would have proven your roleclaim.  Last, you try and defend or explain other people's actions [your words, not mine].  People who's alignments you shouldn't know.

Well, if I asked for people to vote him before we had the tie it would've looked just as guilty. It would have looked like I was trying to separate from him or something =/

No, I haven't... if you look back on day one I made my suspiciouns known about it. I just followed up on them the second day. I ask you this. Going off c03n3nj0's posts on day one. Did he not seem a tad suspicious?

And about the voting thing. I already mentioned it today iirc. My PM said I couldn't vote till after I reached town. I really didn't think about proving my roleclaim. I just wanted to get into town.

I defended people for various reasons

SAK: Iirc people were talking about lynching him. And I just made it known that I believed him. And was posting stuff that it seemed people were forgetting. The "awesome" thing and the fact that he kept complaining about Mario's deaths in the past games 

Trangent: Because Truck's reason for voting him was stupid. And it seemed kind of scummy to me... so I made it known 

Falcon: Because I kept seeing him online on AIM, and trangent kept mentioning him