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Long silly rant due to rough day at work, read at your own risk.... you have been warned :)

Greed will always rule this world unfortunately... and that goes for gaming too which is why there will always be 'consoles' or basically PCs with some unique functionality or simply locked down so that profits can be maximized. Otherwise there would only be one platform and everyone would be able to play any game with multiple controllers of their choice. Kinda like the PC in that you can connect wiimote, dualshock, 360 gamepad and really any other controller for a multitude of things including games. You can actually imagine how it would help everyone involved from the devs to the consumers except....... the investors, shareholders and anyone who has profit in mind. They only see that as a loss of money, you can lock down certain areas with exclusives and other proprietary means and charge and make more money. Even though they are segregating the gaming community, they feel they can make up for it by gaining more exclusives and further differentiating themselves from competitors. At the core of all this is a very basic and simple impulse that has grown in our society like the plague.... greed. Don't get me wrong, I still love gaming in all of its forms but I can't help but sit and watch as our industry falls deeper into the commercialized whirlpool and sigh...

But oh well, this is life and there is plenty of other great things to look forward to.... things that have nothing to do with money. I seek those out more and more these days :)

/angry bad work day rant

Current Favorites:
Wii - Muramasa, MH3, Metroid Trilogy, RS2, Okami, RE4, COD, Dead Space, Scarface
PC - L4D, TF2, BFBC2, Killing Floor, Aquaria, Warsow, many UDK indie games
Mods - MechWarrior:Living Legends, Star Wars: Galatic Warfare, PVKII, Goldeneye Source, L4D mods
PS3 - Demon Souls, Way of the Samurai 3
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