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The GT5:prolouge demo is already out on the JPSN store, it has 8(or 10) cars and 1 track with no online play. GT5:prolouge has 5 tracks and 37 cars with online play. PD has been releasing concept and prologue games for quite awhile and charging people for it, no one has complained about it before (as a matter of fact, I remember some people complaining about the point that some of the concepts and prolouges didn't even get released outside of Japan) I don't see what the big deal is now. They are not charging $60 dollars for the game, if people want it bad, they'll get it. If they don't, they wait for GT5. Simple.

"USA is a lost cause (unless Kz2 turns into this gigantic blockbuster) "

That's not true, they may not get back into 1st or 2nd in the U.S. But America is certainly not a "lost cause". MGS4 and FF13 can easily sell systems outside of Japan aswell. LBP *might* become huge, Sony still has GOW3 up their sleeves and IF Blu-ray takes off.... anything can happen. The only thing that's a lost cause this generation is Microsoft in Japan, everything else is wide open at this point.