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Okay on with the crazy plan, the reason for my questions last night was because my plan rests on the fact that I believe dsister44 and SAK to be zombies which can be quite risky but with nordlead's reply I'm a bit more convinced he's one of us so that makes my plan safer.

Here we go:

- Final-Fan roleclaim's seems beleivable but the best thing about it is that we can verify it by having someone cast a vote on him and having him use his ability.

- If we do that either Final-Fan proves he's one of us or he gets caught in his lie and dies today.

- If Final is with us, we lynch Falcon095

- Now if Falcon095 is the last human, we win. If he's a zombie or not the last human, depending on how Final's power backfires we end up losing either one or two townies at night. Let's say me and Final-Fan for example.

- The next day the remaining "confirmed" zombies lynch the last human.

I know it's not fullproof but I think it gives us a real good shot at winning this. Please raise as many concerns you have with this plan as possible, I could easily have missed something.

Signature goes here!