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Solid_Snake4RD said:
Linkasf said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Grimes said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Globox said:
Maybe it was pure rumour = BS or maybe there was something to it, maybe there were discusions behind closed doors but it was probably too expensive for Sony. Sony doesn't need rest of 2K they probably wanted Rockstar north (GTA makers). Let's not forget EA was offering 2.1 billion usd to take over 2K, they refused. I don't see Sony spending 2 billion of 2K, not somethingSony does, especialy now when they have been losing money on PS3 for such a long time.
MS could do it, so could Nintendo since they roll in money.
Probably just a rumour.

Sony has alot of money.alot more than Nintendo.


but they wudn't do it cause they only want Rockstar

Sony does not have more money than Nintendo. Sony has more assets but has much higher debt and expenses. Nintendo has built a huge cash reserve over the past few years and has little debt and low expenses.

u really think a company like Sony with $250B ASSESTS has less money than a company with $19 assets.


sony didn't just survive their huge losses with PS3 just like that.they have a big big pocket full of cash.and they are gonna make alot now

Some people forgot about the financial crisis? They slashed thousands of workers so I don't think they'd be able to afford buying a game studio as big as R*.

they slashed workers cause they were restructuring,this has nothing to do with their ability to buy a depends on the fact on whether it is good for the business or not

Exactly. Restructuring and cutting losses.