Fab_GS said:
g-value said:
I have a problem with the final fight in Final Fantasy XIII. For pretty much the entire second half of the game, the party was working to not go along with Barthandelus plan to having them destroy Orphan which would cut the power given to Eden. They even spent the last 2 chapters of the game trying to prevent the Calvary from killing him. But when they confronted Orphan, they fought him and were aiming to take him down without a second thought. I was like "WTF, I thought you guys were trying to protect Cocoon, why are you trying to kill now what you've been trying from the whole second half of the game not to kill in order to save Cocoon?" Did I miss something here? Is this another result of this so called "bad translation" I've been hearing the NA version of FFXIII got?
From Final Fantasy Wikia:-
"Orphan is now awake and rises from the pool, accepting its fate if it will mean the return of the Maker. Believing that they if they can destroy Cocoon, they can also save it, the party attacks the fal'Cie. Orphan is destroyed and its death cuts off all power to Cocoon, disrupting the gravity field that is holding the planet in place above Pulse."
If that is the case, then what in the world gave them the idea that destorying Cocoon will also save it?