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Super Mario Galaxy - 97.28%

Sorry, but Galaxy is the best game of the generation. No mass effect, no metal gear solid 4, no god of war iii or any of the games you said. See with your own eyes at gamerankings.

Come back when you can think for yourself.

But most of them you are not console exclusives. You can only enjoy Zelda, Mario and Metroid in Nintendo systems, those 3 are always candidates for GOTY.

Ummm, exactly half of those games are console exclusives. The other six are exclusively on consoles that aren't the Wii.

Demon's Souls is better than Twilight Princess. Uncharted 2 is at least as good as, if not better than, SMG. BioShock is better than Metroid Prime 3. And then there are the other games on the list that the Wii simply can't compete with at all.