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will be amazed at how much stuff is going on, so many different types of units and bullets on screen, it's really something that will impress.

Played 4 types of games: Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Vehicle CTF and another mode that I forgot the name of which involves capturing nodes. Enjoyed them all, if I recall there are 7-8 game types.

Single player campaign is just bot matches with a loose story around, it's pretty much a tutorial that introduces the different game types, it's still fun so I'll probably play through it.

Heard a lot about Epic's bots and yeah they're good, gonna turn the difficulty up on them now that I'm finally getting used to the game.

You create your own character with a fair amount of customization and around 12 different character types, including humans (male and female), Cyborgs and the Krall (Aliens). There's enough character tweaking here that you can bet most players won't look exactly the same.

Game runs so smoothly (smoother than most single player games) that it...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!