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no one cares we want games thats why we bought a ps3 , if dad bought a ps3 to run linux im sorry but bad move you could have made a 500 dollar pc that ran linux like a dream and gave you full access to its resources.

this is such a small upset minority and just from reading on so many forums im so glad the people complaining that thay cant use linux anymore will soon just go away to the pc market where they should have invested their money in the first place.

i just dont understand what these people were thinking like its gotta be only .1% of the ps3 base cause i cant see more than .1% being mentally retarded and being able to actually understand whats going on.

or many of these complainers actually were very willing and ready to run pirated software if so , your the reasons why the pc market is in such a decline your the reason why the music industry is in such decline so many entertainment outlets are so ruined because of piracy i want games to get better and im willing to pay for it , i am not willing to pay for mediocre software just meet demands , just look at most of the garbage pc is getting for games these days its sad