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MontanaHatchet said:
themanwithnoname said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Seece said:
Kilzoned82 said:
360 is much cheaper than the PS3 in UK. 360 launched 16 months before the PS3 in the UK. 17 months advantage is a big lead in regards to gaining install base and market exposure and more time for marketing and advertising in the region.
360 has had wo more extra Xmas periods than the PS3 in the UK.
Microsoft puts more time, effort and $$$ into advertising and marketing the 360 in the UK.

Another person that completely doesn't get the point of the thread

360 in the UK against PS3 in comparison to 360 against PS3 in the US.

I think I answered this question pretty well (a post which is, of course, being conveniently ignored).

Why would the 360's strongest country/territory be one where it's not winning and is not even close to the Wii in sales? 

Because it's pretty clear that he's comparing the 360 to itself and the PS3 and not the Wii? I don't see how you're arguing that because the Wii is beating it in the US, thus the 360 can't have the US as its "strongest" country. And yeah, I think I'll keep going on thinking the US is its strongest country rather than a speculative post that it could be Brazil or some other random country...

Well if it's a matter of userbase size, then America is obviously the 360's strongest territory, and there's no need for a thread. It also has the strongest software sales there. So the only way he could be making this comparison is relative to the other systems. I would say the 360's strongest country is the one where it holds the most market or does the best relative to its competitors. You know, the thing that makes sense. And I think that whatever that country is, it wouldn't be one where Nintendo mowns the majority of the market. That's why I theorized that Brazil (or another country with high rates of piracy) would be the 360's strongest nation, since a system that is constantly pirated.

If that causes you to be pissy, then just leave me alone.

He said in comparison to the PS3 only in the OP, so Nintendo systems are irrelevant. I'm not getting pissy, but it's annoying that you respond to the only counterargument produced against your post, which again is only speculation that we can do nothing with, by trying to discredit me as "pissy."

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.