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the point is I think many are overlooking once again, is

when Geohot started his little hacking experiment, what did he have to do in order to break any security of the PS3?

Geohot : He had to use a:

Mod Chip! to do it!

the fact that he could have not been able to break the part of the security with out it. thus no software use by itself. has been able to do it thus far with out doing what he did. which bring's us back to the core issue. He used a Mod Chip to break the system's security and encryption through the use of a Mod Chip. He in fact broke the term's of service, that he agreed too on PSN.

section : V

"use any unauthorised hardware or software to access or use PSN or make, or distribute unauthorised software or hardware in conjunction with PSN (including but not limited to cheat code software or devices that circumvent any security features or limitations included on any software or devices);"

you cannot tell me Geohot  has not already Accessed PSN with a Mod Chipped PS3!

now not only the above:

Geohot also did this :

section's 8 and 9 and 16

# bypass or attempt to bypass any user authentication systems or security feature;
# attempt to hack or reverse engineer any code or equipment in connection with PSN (unless permitted by applicable law)
# engage in any activity to gain access to or interfere with any unauthorised account, system, hardware, software, or network connected to PSN;

Mod chipped PS3's are by their very nature UNauthorised hardware

what Sony and

I think many of you do not want is Mod Chip'ed playstation 3's being used on PSN

because that's exactly what the start of Geohot's Hack was for. He can deny it all he want's but it's the truth in my opinion.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.