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joeorc, my thinking is that I bought the PS3 because it played games (something that is not at Sony's discretion like my access to PSN) and becuse I could install Linux if I wanted to (i never have). Once a game comes out that requires 3.21 then I've been harmed. *shrug*

Geohot's hack is not really a hack. As far as I can tell it won't allow anything to be done until they figure out how to use it to access to encrypted part of the drive with firmware (new systems) or access the firmware in eeprom (old systems) and who knows if that will happen any time soon. I do understand why Sony did what they did, so you don't need to explain it to me. I simply don't agree with it. That would be like recalling the new Camaro to cut its horsepower in half and refusing to perform any warranty work on cars that aren't de-powered because a few drivers caused accidents.