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Hrm, after around 70 hours of gameplay I'm finally getting bored of the game. It's mainly just farming crap now. A while ago I promised myself I wouldn't force myself through tedious tasks like this in video games for virtual achievements (and only play for enjoyment), yet here I am again...

Anyway, I loved the game. Kinda surprising, I honestly wasn't expecting much, and while there were lots of problems with the game - the music not as memorable, overly dramatic moments (facepalm), a small explorable world (needs more Ch. 11), and the most dislikable character I've ever seen in an RPG (Hope, please die), the battle system is too fun. I was pretty much glued to the game, as can be seen from my achievement dates (kinda shameful, really). Overall I enjoyed it at least as much as the PS1 FF's, putting it at around 3rd or 4th in the main FF series.

It's a shame I don't like the cast much, though. Sazh looks too ridiculous, Fang isn't my type, and Hope... forget him. Being forced to play as these characters in the course of the story is pretty annoying, made worse by the fact that we barely get to play with Snow (who is pretty awesome) until later in the game.

I think the game could've really used an antihero type character, the game felt it was lacking in badassness. Hope's girlyness pretty much cancels Snow or Light's awesomeness out. We desperately needed a character that'd actually put him in his place whenever he talked (or better yet, remove / replace him altogether)!

I know I'm late to the thread, but I gotta put up my favorite moments anyway:

"...Operation Nora is over." (love this char)
"Raines!... You traitor!" *attacks*  (so suddenly, from someone who barely talks. That was badass.)


Best theme in the game, for sure. Loved when the story switched to him, playing this music as he beat shit down with his fists. Or just letting/watching Hope get gattling gunned (lawl)