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theRepublic said:

There are a few problems with your theory.

First, it seems pretty dangerous.  Trying to speed lynch someone before the cop shows up on a day we are all expecting the cop to role claim is really scummy. I'm not sure I agree with this entirely. It's possible that he was doing that, but ArkZero has been one of the bigger suspects in the past, and he did say that he would change his vote with information from the cop. So whoever would put that second vote would have SCUM tattooed on their forehead.  So if that third vote doesn't come quick enough, one mafia member would have just exposed themselves.

Second, you could be mafia.  That would explain why there are not two extra mafia to jump on the vote.

Third, you could both be mafia.  You may have been trying to distance yourself from what you thought was an inevitable guilty investigation today.  So to get in the town's good graces, you decided to get in your vote before the cop could say he was guilty.  It would make you look like a great scum hunter, and it would be very sneaky to be the first vote on your guilty partner.  Now that there is no cop, you can't just back out of your vote.  You need him lynched to make you look good.

This brings me to a question for you.  Why were you the only person to vote before we knew there was no cop?  I can't understand why a townie would do that. My guess would be that he was hoping that ArkZero would just slip up, or something. Or, he just wanted ArkZero to get in the thread and defend himself... but he didn't give reasons in his post as to why, other than a vague "You seemed the most suspicious leading up to today."

All that said, ArkZero remains one of my top suspects.

Now to decide which of you to vote for.

Vetteman94 said:

We still there is no cop,  it possible someone is still lying. I don't buy this. The cop has absolutely nothing to gain by lying. If we don't lynch scum today, it's game over. Even if all his investigations were dead, he could still tell us who he was, and we'd at least know one person was a townie. Given that we're this far into the day and the cop has not shown up, I don't really think there is one. But He was by far the most scumy out of anyone from the past few days that is why I voted for him.  But I did say that if there was any information from a cop that would say otherwise I would change my vote.  I was using it to lure out a mafia player. 

BTW there is no problems with my theory,  I KNOW I am a townie, We don't. if I would have voted for another townie, one they would have put up a better fight than ArkZero did instead of just laying down like he did.  And 2nd the mafia would have jumped at the chance to end this game already,  they still have had the chance even after I said this twice already.  Why has it not been done, because ArkZero is mafia, thats why. I do like this reasoning. If you are a townie, and you voted for another townie, then the mafia would have voted him off too, and the game would be over. However, since that did not happen, it is fairly safe to guess that either ArkZero is mafia, you are mafia, or you're both mafia.

As for the cop investigation stuff on ArkZero,  I actually expected to find out I was investigated.  Especially after the big deal that was made about me requesting a no lynch on the second day and alot of people not liking it, despite then doing the following day. 

I stand by my vote, I think he is the best oppourtunity for a scum hit.  And it will remain unchanged, since it now seems like there is no cop.

theRepublic said:

Is this your answer for the question?

How would it lure out a mafia player if you think ArkZero is mafia?  It would only lure out mafia if he was innocent. This is interesting. If he is innocent, then your vote on him would be quite dangerous for the town.  Because like you said, the mafia could end the game.  But if you are mafia, then you wouldn't care about what is dangerous for the town.

Jumping the gun on the cop still makes no sense if you are a townie.

Again everyone, I apologize for my absence from the game. I should be posting more now that things are sorted out.