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People, Persona 4 sales were splitted equally between west and Japan. PSP is a dead console in western market duo to piracy, making this game for PSP is just telling good bye for a good amount of sales.

And PS3/360 games don't need to have high budget, they only get expensive if they push the hardware and developing time. Something that looks better than p4 at gameplay is already enough, and focusing in HD animations.

PS3/360 has proved to be able to sell JRPG WW, they have FF and dozens of medium/small sized franchises that are selling pretty well. Atlus had a good experience with ps3 with Demon's Souls that became one of their best-selling titles.

What I see is: The game gets a PS3/360 release, and some 2 years later get a PSP(or PSP2) re-release.