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Currently, No!

Why do I say no? Well the PS3 and PSP are both tanking sales wise even the best PS3 games barely pass a million units. The PlayStation brand is recovering from its weakest point in the history of the brand. The only way Sony could create a big franchise as big as Gran Turismo is if they had the bigger hardware base to support such hard software sales.

I think Sony had a chance to build big brands like that back on the PSOne and PS2 but they failed to create anything ground breaking. I think if they had retained Spyro and Crash they might have been able to build them into big franchises then look at Jak and Ratchet both excellent franchises that if Sony had dealt with them properly could have become bigger franchises. But Sony never establishes big brands.

Now that Sony has the much smaller support base I doubt they can make another huge franchise that big. Maybe next generation!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer