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Mazty said:
Roma said:
Mazty said:

Nah Killzone wasn't a Halo beater, but by no means was it crap.

Hum, OoT would look awful and I couldn't think of a reason someone should play it over TP, but then I can't think of a reason someone should play TP over Oblivion etc.

Well the wii can try to appeal to the hardcore, but it simply doesn't have the hardware to meet the demands that hardcore gamers ask for such as advanced AI, good animation, long levels, good graphics (somewhat vital for an FPS when you take draw distance, object recognistion etc into account).

I've learnt to ignore critics after some of them say the most idiotic crap I've heard and are far from being unbiased. In any case, 480p and no AA is just going to look bad compared to any decent game on the HD consoles, but that's not to say the game is bad.

What I did with Vaios game list was to read through the games, and most were multiplatform, and very few benchmark games on the list. Considering I've played most of the games on that last, I can't really see how I was being ignorant - lazy, yes, ignorant, no.

Well of course you can’t see that you were ignorant as you can’t even see when your wrong. :P

And why the hell would I play Oblivion over any Zelda game? me as a gamer I’m not looking at the graphics as the first thing. The important thing for a hardcore gamer is the game pay not how the thing looks. Sure I want good graphics but I would not take that over good game play.

A game could have great AI and Great graphics yet suck but clearly for you if the game does not have good graphics then it is not hardcore and it is not a good game.

What casual is, is people who look at the game and if it looks good graphically then they want to play it and then they will find out if it is good or not but that is the last thing they think about :P     

Well of course you can’t see that you were ignorant as you can’t even see when your wrong. :P


And why the hell would I play Oblivion over any Zelda game? me as a gamer I’m not looking at the graphics as the first thing. The important thing for a hardcore gamer is the game pay not how the thing looks. Sure I want good graphics but I would not take that over good game play.


A game could have great AI and Great graphics yet suck but clearly for you if the game does not have good graphics then it is not hardcore and it is not a good game.


What casual is people who look at the game and if it looks good graphically then they want to play it and then they will find out if it is good or not but that is the last thing they think about :P     


....How am I being ignorant??

Since when was the selling point of the Elder Scrolls game graphics???? The gameplay of Oblivion is really good and far deeper and more immersive than TP without being inaccessible...Your comment just leads me to believe you clearly know nothing of Oblivion.  How is Oblivion a sacrifice in gameplay for graphics????

Since when did I say the game HAD to have great graphics? It's graphics have to be acceptable, and in some games there is a higher demand on graphics, e.g. Gran Turismo, simulation games, FPS' to help with immersion or gameplay, whereas RTS' can get away with having worse graphics as graphics only help with immersion to a certain point.

Casual are people who look at a game and say it looks fun, e.g. Wii sports. Casual are people who play games not reguarly and don't care for staying up to date with game releases, asking for parrallex mapping etc.

Casual gamers don't care about graphics or the rest of the market, they just want some quick fun. Hardcore gamers are much more demanding as they should have a knowledge of the market and so ask for a game of high quality, and therefore to keep them entertained they cannot be given an average game as they most likely have played better/are looking for better.E.g. Take an RTS hardcore gamer.  I couldn't give him Total Annihilation and expect him to have fun as he knows the graphics are awful, the AI is pathetic, the unit cap is tiny and so on as, being a hardcore RTS gamer, he should have an expansive knowledge of the games on the market and would realise that Total Annihilation is nothing good nowadays. But if I gave it to a casual gamer they could probably have fun as they may not have played a game like it before and so find it challenging, in otherwords, not boring.

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No you saying that why anyone would play OoT when they have TP and then saying why anyone would play that when they have Oblivion made me think better and better graphics.


No I don’t know much about Oblivion but neither do you about allot of the games you trash on the Wii as you clearly can’t see what good games are as you are to focused on the graphics :P


and i will ignore you now bye!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(