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Mazty said:
Roma said:
Mazty said:

Christ - Hardware limits important features like AI, graphics., physics etc and stop trying to pretend graphics don't matter. In every game graphic are important for immersion, and in some more important due to realism being a factor, e.g. sports games.

The wii is far, far worse than the other consoles, so don't say something innane like comparing the minor differences in power between the consoles of the last generation.

Super Mario Galazy is a great platformer I won't argue that, nor that No more Heros (totally forgot about it) is a by any stetch bad, BUT the conduit is ******* awful and Metroid Prime is a resounding meh. Plus even looking at no more heroes, does it do anything new or interesting? Nothing that pops to mind, and this is my point. The wii is fine for casual gamers, but for the hardcore who like to see game development and such, the wii offers nothing more than a versatile pad that's a basic pad, light gun and steering wheel combined, with some sketchy motions.

LBP is kiddy, so I'm not going to argue there, but it just does more for the genre then Super Mario Galaxy, as it has full physics, online map making & sharing, online play and so on.

Unfortunaly with you and Vaio you clearly have played very, very few "hardcore" games as you haven't been aware of how many 360/PS3 games have raised the benchmark for game genres.

Far, far worse in your opinion maybe

And no the hard wear does not limit what type of games it can do like “hardcore” or “casual”

All those limitations you are talking about did not hinder the PS2 to have hardcore games. Well yes I will compare old and new hard ware to prove you wrong. If hardcore games could be done on PS2 then they can be done on Wii.

AI and graphics aren’t only limited to hard wear but also how much effort the developers want to put in the games.

Look at Monster hunter and Mario Galaxy and some other games. Mario has even been said to be comparable graphically to many of the HD games  

Yes the Conduit is crap but crap does not mean it is not for the hardcore which is why I included it in the first place.  

So let’s say a hardcore game from the past has been ported to the Wii will it automatically turn in to a casual game? like RF4 or Okami? Are they not hardcore?


No the graphics are far, far worse because wii games have no AA and a 480p resolution as well as no procedurals etc.

Hardware doesn't limit what genre the console can do, but it serverly limits it. Take FPS' for an example. In an FPS a key element for it to be good is to have good AI - the CPU limits this and as the wii CPU is attrocious, the AI is very limited, and therefore is likely not to present a challenge to hardcore players, therefore making the game boring, rendering the point of the game a waste.

The PS2 had hardcore games BUT gamers expectations have increased since last generation, meaning if you were to port a hardcore game to the wii, say Killzone, all hardcore gamers would say it's a pile of **** because the AI is bad, the graphics are bad etc. This is because games are judged to what is around them at the time of release and prior. So in that sense however, a game like Shadow of the Colossus is still amazing, although it is graphically pants, because there has not been a game like it since. However when Last Guardian is released, gamers expectations may again rise, therefore rendering Shadow of the Colossus, like many other games, good for their time.

No, Mario Galaxy is no way near the graphics of games like Heavy Rain, Gears of War etc. There's no point arguing this, the hardware speaks for itself.

True the Conduit is for hardcore gamers, but the wii seems to lack good games for quality gamers which is my point.

As for porting the an old ps2 game to the wii, see the third para.

I thought Killzone was a piece of crap from the start or so I’ve heard so of course they are going to say it is crap if it gets ported :P

If they ported OoT to the Wii It would still be one hell of a game.

So you admit that the Wii has hardcore games even though you said that it can’t handle hardcore games :P if that work in your head then sure whatever you say.

It is not me who is saying that Galaxy is comparable to some of the HD games it is the critics plus you should know better than to compare a cartoonish game to realistic ones. :P  

What you did with Vaios game list clearly show how ignorant and biased you are against Nintendo. If Sony did them you would love them :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(