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dtewi said:
StokedUp said:
dtewi said:
StokedUp said:
Ive Just arrived at chapter 11 and ive grinded to completely fill everyones crystarium to its cap.
ive got some questions;

-is the treasure hunter trophy for Weapons/accessories or is it for weapons/accessories/components? and is it best to attempt this trophy after completing the game?

-are the hunt missions all doable after you complete the game?

-is it a complete waste of time me trying to take down any of the giant tortoise things at this stage in the game?

-also does Hope ever gain the haste ability for his SYN role?

1) It's for all three. And yes, do it after the game. It'd be virtually impossible before post game

2) Yeah. There's a portal to Gran Pulse right before the final boss.

3) You can try, you'll just get slaughtered. You won't be able to deal with the smaller tortoises until your Stage 8 crystarium is maxed out.

4) Yes.

Thanks for that. im just going to have to take things one at a time because it seems once youve hit chapter 11 your hit with alot of various things to do plus the trophies, and it all just seems a bit overwhelming. i really want to platinum this game though.

Yeah, Gran Pulse is freaking huge. I'm not joking, it's enormous.

Don't spend more than 15 hours on Chapter 11, the rest of the game is waiting (and it's awesome).

Ok i wont, aslong as its possible to still platinum, its the components im a slightly botherd about i know that over 90% of them are in the shops but their's others which are only in spheres and are rare drops.

ive maxed out everyones crystarium now anyway so ive moved on ive just beat a juggarnaut that was a bit of a fight but managed it first go.  :)

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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