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slowmo said:
joeorc said:
slowmo said:
joeorc said:
thranx said:
emo_parker said:
What a waste of internet space this guy is..

Lets sue Microsoft for removing the old blade interface.

Lets sue Sony for removing the old crappy html PSN store.

You must not understand what this is about. It is about consumers getting what is advertised. Using other OS was advertised as someting the ps3 could do, and was touted as an attribute to the ps3. The blade interface was not, neither was the old psn store, both of which you have substitutes for mind you. This about something being taken away from a system that may have been the reason a person bought it. very different from what you said


if you choose not to update you can still use linux...yes or No?

if you choose not too do you still have the function of Linux..yes or no?

Has sony informed the Owner's of the Phat PS3 what they would loose access too before they decide to not update ..yes or no?

the point being is Sony is covered. it's still as advertised, with changes's to How OTHER OS FUNCTION WORK'S! it works prior to 3.21

before there was not CON's to using Linux. On the PS3, Now there is due to security concern's which Sony did tell the consumer before they released this update to be used or not used.

the point is how much does Linux mean to you

if its very important, than do not update. and you still get to keep Linux.

so sony is not forcing the consumer to update, you can choose not too therefore it's still work's as advertised.

Stop spinning and defending Sony, THEY ARE FORCING people to choose Other OS or potentially kill their PS3 for gaming.  This is forcing people to choose, therefor it is a forced decision.  Fair enough if you don't think its a big issue but the fact remains this is a mandatory update if you want PSN right now and in the future it will be mandatory for new games.  Pros and cons don't matter to a consumer, a feature that was present on their console when bought is being taken away, that is WRONG.

Im not spinning it. the very fact that your not being forced. it's up to you on how important Linux is, slomo while I do think it's a raw deal, It also is the choice of the consumer Sony is not outright deleteing it from anyone's PS3. Never mind the fact that you would loose access to PSN, or some Game's that would be the price now for running Linux on the PS3. The reason is because it's a security risk for PSN and mod chipped PS3's.

while I do think it's once again a bad deal , it's also something people would have to make the choice on their own

The best way to deal with this would have been to go a dual firmware route, this is where the PSN update kills Other OS but there is an option to download another version that still has functionality from Sony's website.  Using this method those who wanted to have other OS and gaming would have been kept happy while those sticking their head in the sand saying they don't care would not be bothered either.  There is no choice being given to the consumer, they either cripple their device for other OS or cripple it for PSN and evenually gaming, this isn't a choice!

You can easily roll back firmware on the PS3 so this isn't stopping the hackers, if the PS3 gets hacked there will be no issue rolling back to a firmware with Other OS so you could then hack your console.  This is hurting real consumers and not affecting hackers at all, as for modded PS3's on PSN I'm pretty sure the hardware hacks required would be detectable easily on PSN so the consoles could be banned.

Its like been given the chance to shoot yourself in the right arm or left arm, if you're right handed then the no brainer is to shoot your left arm, still doesn't mean you'd rather not be FORCED to shoot either arm at all. 


Edit - So if I want to connect to PSN this update isn't mandatory????  You're saying Sony are allowing people to connect without this update.  You're really scraping the barrel with definitions to try and offset a lost argument now.  By the way that is absolutely spinning.

no it's still not spinning:

Sony gave the outcome if you decide to keep linux:

Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;

  • Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
  • Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
  • Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
  • Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later

So once again your not being forced. being forced would have been deleting it outright from your machine without your


 - 4 dictionary results

–verb (used without object)
to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield (often fol. by to or an infinitive): He consented to the proposal. We asked her permission, and she consented.
Archaic. to agree in sentiment, opinion, etc.; be in harmony.
permission, approval, or agreement; compliance; acquiescence: He gave his consent to the marriage.
agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.: By common consent he was appointed official delegate.
Archaic. accord; concord; harmony.
1175–1225; (v.) ME consenten < AF, OF consentir < L consentīre (see consensus); (n.) ME < AF, OF, n. deriv. of the v.

con·sent·er, noun
con·sent·ing·ly, adverb
non·con·sent, noun
non·con·sent·ing, adjective, noun
pre·con·sent, noun, verb (used without object)
re·con·sent, verb (used without object)
un·con·sent·ing, adjective

ascent, assent, consent.

1. See agree. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
Cite This Source Link To consent

Word Origin & History

early 13c., from O.Fr. consentir, from L. consentire "feel together," from com- "with" + sentire "to feel." "Feeling together," hence, "agreeing, giving permission," apparently a sense evolution that took place in French before the word reached English. Age of consent is attested from 1809.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
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con·sent &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;&lt;img src="" mce_src="" border="0" alt="consent pronunciation" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;   (kən-sěnt')   
intr.v.   con·sent·ed, con·sent·ing, con·sents
  1. To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree. See Synonyms at assent.

  2. Archaic To be of the same mind or opinion.

  1. Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence. See Synonyms at permission.

  2. Agreement as to opinion or a course of action: She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.

[Middle English consenten, from Old French consentir, from Latin cōnsentīre : com-, com- + sentīre, to feel; see sent- in Indo-European roots.]
con·sent'er n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: con·sent
Function: noun
1 a : compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding —see also AGE OF CONSENT, INFORMED CONSENT, RAPE, STATUTORY RAPE b : a defense claiming that the victim consented to an alleged crime (as rape)
2 : agreement as to action or opinion consent of the Senate, to make treaties —U.S. Constitution article II> consent of the parties established through offer and acceptance —Louisiana Civil Code>; specifically : voluntary agreement by a people to organize a civil society and give authority to a government —consent intransitive verbcon·sent·er noun
Once again its your choice, not Sony's Sony id offering you the ability to Keep Linux if You Want to.
but be warned there is thing's that you may have to take into consideration.
an if some one want's to point out:


&lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;&lt;img src="" mce_src="" border="0" alt="coercion pronunciation" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt; [koh-ur-shuhn] Show IPA
the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
force or the power to use force in gaining compliance, as by a government or police force.
&lt;img src=";c2=6034776&amp;c3=&amp;c4=&amp;c5=&amp;c6=&amp;c15=&amp;cv=1.3&amp;cj=1" style="display:none" width="0" height="0" alt="" /&gt;


&lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;&lt;img src="" mce_src="" border="0" alt="duress pronunciation" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt; [doo-res, dyoo-, door-is, dyoor-] Show IPA
compulsion by threat or force; coercion; constraint.
Law. such constraint or coercion as will render void a contract or other legal act entered or performed under its influence.
forcible restraint, esp. imprisonment.
Sony did not use that so no.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.