Chapter 12 - 8.0/10
Chapter 13 - 7.1/10
Gameplay - 8.5/10
Story - 7.0/10
Graphics - 9.4/10
Music - 7.9/10
Reply value - 8.0/10
- 8.0/10 (Good)
- Battle system
- Graphics
- Sazh, Fang and Lightning
- Chapter 5, 7 and 11.
- Chapter 12 opening cut-scene
- Some battles can be challenging
- Story
- The Linearity
- Lack of "towns" and people to talk to
- Lack of good mini-games
- Snow and Hope
- The enemies didn't have much variety. It's like fighting the same monsters throughout the game, but with different colors.
- the first few hours
- Chapter 10
- The final boss
- The ending
The most disappointing game this gen. The only thing I really loved about it was the brilliant battle system. The story was disappointing, the characters were annoying (SNOW!!!) and the music were forgettable apart from couple of songs.
The extreme linearity really hurted the game for me. It made the game feel repetitive and isolated.
AHHH I really can't believe I waited 4-5 years for this. *cries*
FF ranking:-
1- VI
3- X
4- VII
5- IX
6- IV
8- XII